Wsus Status Hung
WSUS hangs on Cleanup wizard for Unused Updates, then disconnects from console. It does not run much better when written without a CURSOR. I modified it to use a WHILE loop and it deletes about 1 per minute here which is the same as the old code with a CURSOR. Not surprised. To be frank, using a WHILE LOOP just turns it into a manual CURSOR, making it no better off than using the CURSOR construct in T SQL. The correct approach here is to write the code with a SET BASED approach. Unfortunately, as youre about. In order to use the set based approach, youll need to take the code from sp. Delete. Update and modify it to join directly to the table of GUIDs to delete. Execute the whole thing in oneDELETE statement. Of course, part of the other problem that contributes to the performance issues is that sp. Delete. Update LSOuses CURSORs. Deep Freeze release notes shows updates to the latest version of Deep Freeze. Come back often to see the latest release notes for Deep Freeze Enterprise. Delete. Update retrieves a list of Revision. IDs, and then calls sp. Delete. Revision for each of those. Revision. IDs. And as weve already seen, some updates may have a large number of Revision. IDs. sp. Delete. Revision is where the real work is done. At the crux of that proc, are deletes from these tables dbo. Event. Instance this will be a time killer as well, depending on how many clients affected a given update, and how much activity surrounded that updatedbo. Deploymentdbo. tb. Update. Status. Per. PNG' alt='Wsus Status Hung' title='Wsus Status Hung' />I have been wrestling with update and BITS failure since August 2015 when Norton upgrade failed to activate and I called and gave the tech control of my machine. Hi all We are deploying the monthly current channel updates with SCCM 1606 and some clients get stuck at Downloading 50. Fifa 11 Crack File For Pc. Has anyone. Version 8. September 25, 2017 New Features 1. Add ThawSpaces on the Fly A reinstallation of Deep Freeze is no longer needs to add a new ThawSp. Windows update stuck we have come up with the best four methods to solve it. Method 1 Run Windows Update for 1 hr Method 2 Update Windows. Computerdbo. tb. Propertydbo. Flattended. Revision. In. Categorydbo. tb. Revision. In. Categorydbo. Revision. Languagedbo. More. Info. URLFor. Revisiondbo. tb. Security. Bulletin. For. Revisiondbo. KBArticle. For. Revisiondbo. Bundle. Dependencydbo. Bundle. At. Least. Onedbo. tb. Bundle. Alldbo. tb. Prerequisite. Dependencydbo. tb. Installed. Update. Sufficient. For. Prerequisitedbo. Prerequisite. And all of the associated transaction wrappers and error checking for each and every deleted row from each of those tables to ensure continued data integrity in the database. So while the code above making a simple call to sp. Delete. Update looks quite simple on the surface. LOT of activity going on to make that one update get deleted. If you wanted to speed it up. Get. Obsolete. Updatesto. Cleanup to get a list of Update. IDs, then build a list of Revision. IDs from that, and then join that temp table of Revision. IDs to each of the 1. Which would force all of those deleted records into a SINGLE transaction, and probably whatever gains you got from switching from procedural logic to set based logic would be lost in the massive overhead of managing a transaction of. A possible compromise would be to execute a set based DELETE by Update. ID, so youd capture the Revision. IDs for a given Update. ID, and then delete across all 1. Revision. IDs except where that list aint so short. But still. this compromise might well speed things up, as the loop for Update. IDs is likely only measured in the hundreds, where as the loop through all Revision. IDs is sometimes measured in the thousands or tens of thousands depending on ifwhen the server was last purged. Lawrence Garvin, M. S., MCSA, MCITP EA, MCDBASolar. Winds Head Geek. Microsoft MVP Software Packaging, Deployment Servicing 2. My MVP Profile http mvp. Lawrence2. 0R2. Garvin 3. The views expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of Solar. Rf Wireless Wheel Mouse Driver.