Borland Bde Download Free
Borland Bde Download Free' title='Borland Bde Download Free' />CompilingDeploying an Application Created with Visual d. BASE 7. Last Modified January 3. Ken Mayer, Senior SQA Engineerd. BASE, Inc. Special Thanks go Gary White for editing and suggestions, and Michael Rotteck for his work with Install. Paradox_Data_Editor.jpg' alt='Borland Bde Download Free' title='Borland Bde Download Free' />Shield and BDE 5. Example files available. NOTE This document was originally written for Visual d. BASE 7. 07. 0. 1. B2. K release. 1 to include information about new properties, events, etc., and any new controls. Help/Images/NetworkBDEPanel3.jpg' alt='Borland Bde Download Free' title='Borland Bde Download Free' />If a control is new it will be noted. In updating this document, the images were left as is unless it was felt to. In addition, this document. B2. K a lot, but unless it is about a d. B2. K specific aspect, the text. Visual d. BASE 7. Visual d. BASE 7. FILExt. com is the file extension source. Here youll find a collection of file extensions many linked to the programs that created the files. This is the FILExt home. Delphi Source Code and Scripts Downloads Free FastReport, CAD Import VCL, CAD Export VCL, Collection of Delphi examples by Del123. FastCube. Special. If you are working with d. B2. K, there is a document on working with Inno Setup. B2. K. It is on your d. B2. K CD, in the INNO folder. This covers deploying the application, you may want to read the parts. Any developer who needs. Compiling andor Deploying their application is not well documented in the manuals. B2. K than in. previous versions. This process is actually. DXa2R_s/TpS1PFz3bnI/AAAAAAAAC5A/LsRbNFrHEWs/s1600/D1Install2.png' alt='Borland Bde Download Free' title='Borland Bde Download Free' />You are best off using. Project Manager to set everything up it may take a bit of work, but in. The instructions in this. There are more. detailed things that can be done and should be if you are working with non local. Following along, you should. Install. Shield Express to create your deployment disks. Note. for d. B2. K developers, please see the paper noted above on using Inno Setup to. Special Sections Active. X. and DLL Deployment These need some extra work to deploy. Network. Deployment If you need to install to a network, there is a section toward. Gary White has performed, not on the authors own experience. You may. want to try it this way, and you may also wish to check the Visual d. BASE newsgroups. details at the end of the document as this issue is likely to come up periodically. Deployment The BDE 5. Michael Rottecks excellent work. Some Definitions. The following phrases can be a bit confusing to some folk, so. I thought I would attempt to explain them Add to Project File. In the case of any files that can be compiled by d. BASE creating a file with. CO,. PRO,. WFO. O except for an Icon. ICO in. the file extension, these files will automatically be included in the target. Anything else, if you really must include it. Include in Target Executable. As noted. above, it is possible to have the compiler in d. BASE store an image file, or. EXE. The only real advantage to this is that. COPY FILE command that can be used, were not going. Deploy With Application. Install. Shield Express to deploy that. This might include. INI file, a BDE configuration file. CFG, tables and their. MDX andor. DBT or other associated files, image files, icon files, and so. BDE Settings. Unfortunately, setting up a. BDE is not as easy as one might hope. First, if you are deploying. BDE alias, you have to go through all the steps shown. BDE part of the Install. Shield Express setup below. Second, if you deploy local. GROUPS section below in the Install. Shield. Express setup below Specify Components and Files. Third, if you are using. Vd. BASE 7 level tables, you should set the registry setting for TABLE CREATE. ALTER TABLE commands. COPY TABLE. This is covered toward the end of the Install. Shield. Express part of this document. Finally, and this is the. Bring up the BDE Administrator. Make sure your settings. Click on the Configuration Tab, click on the by Configuration, select. Drivers, Native, DBASE assuming you are using d. BASE tables and. Once this is correct. Object menu, select Save as Configuration., enter a path. MYCUSTOM. CFG or something appropriate. Exit the BDE Administrator. Click No on the dialog that appears. Cactus Flower Font more. Now in the. INI file. IDAPI. CONFIGFILE0. Make sure that this includes. CFG is deployed in a directory other than the one your. EXE. is in. And make sure when. Install. Shield Express setup, that. CFG file as well as your. INI file. Specify Components. Files NOTE Check the. Install. Shield it discusses ensuring all the correct BDE. B2. K Users, the Inno Setup paper mentioned. Inno Setup. INI Files. There are often a few settings. INI file for d. B2. K that most people dont even think about. This. may include things like the SET CENTURY setting, which will affect the display. ON you will see all four digits of the year, if set. OFF, you will see only two digits. If you expect your deployed. MUST deploy a. INI file. It needs to be the same name as the. EXE. otherwise your application will not automatically read these settings i. MYEXEC. EXE would require a. INI named MYEXEC. INI. Some settings you should. B2. K for details for SET EPOCH, SET CENTURY. SET LDCHECK, etc. Command. Settings. LDRIVERWINDOWS. On. Off. Command. Settings. Command. Window. Component. Types. Component. Type. Numeric1. Component. Type. Date1. Component. Type. Logical0. Component. Type. Memo0. Component. Type. Binary0. Component. Type. OLE0. Component. Type. Numeric. For. Tables1. Component. Type. Date. For. Tables1. Component. Type. Logical. For. Tables0. Component. Type. Memo. For. Tables0. Component. Type. Binary. For. Tables0. Component. Type. OLEFor. Tables0. CONFIGFILE0. 1mycustom. The LDRIVERWINDOWS setting. BDE Driver your source code will. ANSI. There is a problem with this setting and the Sound. Ex function. otherwise this setting will enhance the speed of text processing immensely. The TALK setting is very. Gary White who discovered it during one deploy he. Talk is not set OFF either here or in your code, there will. Visual d. BASE will go through the motions. The Command. Window settings. Gary discovered his. TALK settings. The Component. Types section. may cause some datatype mismatch errors if not included, particularly if you. You should copy the section shown. VDB. INI, as you may have different settings than those shown. The IDAPI section. CFG file for the BDE, do not put that into your. INI file d. B2. K users note that you may not need to deploy a custom. CFG file, see details. Inno Setup paper. Encrypted Tables. If you are working with encrypted tables using the d. BASE PROTECT command to. DBSYSTEM. DB file, but you also need to have. INI that looks like. Command. Settings. DBSYSTEMD PATH. Where D PATH is the. If you already have. Command. Settings section see above, just add the DBSYSTEM entry. If. you are deploying the DBSYSTEM file to the same as your application you can. DBSYSTEM. the. stands for current directory. Creating a Project. If you have not already created. Click on the Project. B2. K Double click the Untitled. Enter the following Project Name lt name that appears in the explorer Project Location some directory. NOTE I prefer keeping it in the same directory as the application, but you. B2. K My ProjectsProject file note that a new directory name is inserted automatically. Project Location above, if you want to keep this. You now have a new empty. Right click on the left. Add Files to Project. Select all form. CFM,. CRP. CC,. H,. OCX,. DLL etc. Do NOT select the compiled code. CFO,. CRO. PRO,. WFO, etc. O as the last character is an Icon file. ICO. Make sure you select. VDBASE. H and. such tricky to remember if they are in another directory such as C PROGRAM. FILESd. BASEd. B2.